Welcome to THE FUSE! We’re thrilled to have you here. The Fuse is a fast-growing platform for the latest breaking news, sports, entertainment, and more from South Africa’s most popular media sites - all in one place.

The Fuse was built to meet the ever-changing demands of our media landscape and news consumption. We help navigate in a world of information overload and eliminate risks such as echo chambers and fake news while offering over a million monthly users relevant and reliable sources of news.

We’re not only for readers. The Fuse draws on a strong relationship with publishers, broadcasters, and content creators who share values of trust and quality content.

Our goal is to help you stay informed by making important and useful content more accessible. Our team of news specialists sources the most relevant content from a diverse range of quality newspapers, magazines, websites, and blogs in South Africa and abroad, adding voices to the media landscape you wouldn’t otherwise hear. The Fuse supports truthful, accurate, fair, and balanced reporting and content creation, and we are supporters of South Africa’s Press Code.

The Fuse app (available in all app stores) also allows you to personalise your feed to suit your own interests — cut out the noise, and focus on the content that’s important to you when you want it. Launched in 2021, The Fuse is fast becoming the go-to content discovery platform for thousands of informed South Africans who are committed to free and independent media. We work with publishers and developers from around the world to create a platform that supports quality journalism and skilled content creators.