
Rise Mzansi identifies four focus areas to revitalise Free State

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The leader of Rise Mzansi, Songezo Zibi, has highlighted four key areas in the Free State that require immediate and focused attention.

Zibi emphasised that his party’s strategies are tailored to the unique needs of specific provinces while aligning with the national plan. He made these remarks while unveiling Rise Mzansi’s plan in Botshabelo, Free State.

He identified poor governance, collapsed manufacturing, and the decline of the mining sector as primary concerns. Additionally, Zibi emphasised the need to restore the Free State as the country’s breadbasket.

Zibi says, “Addressing governance issues is paramount. Municipalities plagued by corruption, such as Mangaung, have seen little improvement despite years under administration. Secondly, the once vibrant manufacturing sector in the southern Free State has withered and requires revitalisation. Thirdly, the decline of the mining industry in the northern and north-western Free State necessitates innovative approaches, particularly in areas like Matjhabeng. Lastly, restoring the Free State’s status as South Africa’s breadbasket is crucial.”

2024 Elections | RISE Mzansi unveils plans for Free State
